“Understand each other again”

Ekaterina Mikhailova read for us the book Anat Garary “Birth of my grandmother. When my daughter becomes a mother “.

“When I will be a grandmother – in the years through a dozen – a bizar, a funny – a whirlwind from the head to the heels …” In his youth, the Tsvetaevsky lines seem so mischievous, and then what then? Then – life.

Anat Harari (Anat Harari), Israeli social psychologist and family psychotherapist lives and works in Tel Aviv, the mother of two children. The author of the book “One hundred Memories of Mothers” (in Hebrew, not translated into Russian).

“The birth of a grandmother. When a daughter becomes a mother “Anat Garari

Kogito Center, 399 from.

The painful discrepancy of expectations and reality makes you think, feel and act in a new way. That is, as we still do not know how. You have to be born more than once

Jucat pe spate, împrumutul este o poziție confortabilă și atinge clitorisul. Lăsați partenerul să fie introdus în deget și va căuta o kamagra gel doar evidentă în interior. Continuați să mângâieți clitorisul și sarcina partenerului – explorează punctul găsit, făcând o varietate de degete ale degetelor. Așadar, puteți înlocui degetul cu un penis sau o jucărie sexuală și să continuați „dezvoltarea”.

or twice: “When a daughter becomes a mother” is not the first rebirth in the life of an adult woman, but therefore no less painful. Israeli psychologist Anat Garari organized a support group for “born grandmothers” and described the meetings of this group in the book. I gave us a rare opportunity to understand what adult daughters and their mothers actually feel when their connection – previous and newly emerging – flare up with a particularly bright light. Relations of close women are a real minefield, and it is almost impossible to directly perceive these feelings and plots. In this case, unhealthy “scenery” and translation helps, in places turning spontaneous oral speech into too correct, creating a distance. Vigorous and passionately devoted to the family of Israeli grandmothers, much differently. The cult of motherhood is obvious here, each member of the group has several children and grandchildren, despite the fact that they are busy with a career. Feelings associated with the family are considered not just important, but almost sacred (because of difficulties, since these feelings are always not the same as they are “common”). The conversations mentions either the army experience of the daughters, then the memories of the time of the War of the Day of the Fourth day … But with all the differences, much is painful. What? I quote. “I am afraid that I want to be not a grandmother, but a mother, you understand? I want the granddaughter to do exactly what I consider necessary “. “Everyone asks me how my daughter, and after childbirth, will probably ask how my grandson … no one is interested in what is happening to me”. Readers for whom these complex and almost never discussed feelings are really important, the book will console and warm. Professionals should read it as an example of interesting group dynamics and a consistent position of the leading.

… saying goodbye to the hospital with my grandmother, I held her hand. The hand was a friend. Probably holding on to her, I once learned to walk, I don’t remember. But how we circled our hands with a blue pencil, I remember. And hundreds of other situations – until the very moment, when it was time to disconnect our hands. Grandma was ninety -three. And I don’t know my hand to my mother’s hand: in my childhood, we did not particularly hold hands. Years later, we happened to fight, and make peace, and learn to appreciate each other’s society. As stated in the “Birth of Grandma”-“We are all correcting something”. Very bright and bold book.